In less than a week, Milton will have a new provincial representative.
Following the resignation of Milton MPP Parm Gill, the provincial government is holding a by-election for the Milton riding. Leading up to the day, we’re speaking with all willing candidates about their platforms.
That includes Tony Walton of the Family Rights Party. Here’s our interview:
INT – Alright, first question I have here: can you give me an elevator pitch on your platform?
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INT – Next topic has to do with transit. It’s been an ongoing topic, particularly all-day, two-way GO service. Where do you stand on transit here in Milton?
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INT – Parm Gill was very vocal about his efforts to be bring new schools to Milton. You’ve touched on education already. What is your plan to help the education sector in Milton?
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INT – Many local groups are looking to fight against environmental issues in Milton. A big one involves the CN Intermodal Hub, thought that’s more of a federal issue. However, another one that I’ve been highlighting in these interviews is the Campbellville Quarry. Do you plan on addressing these local concerns should you be named the next Milton MPP?
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INT – This next one is about growth. Milton has grown a lot over the years, and it’s going to continue to grow. The province has issued a growth mandate that is forcing Milton and Halton to reach certain population numbers by 2051. What’s your stance on this rapid development?
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INT – Anything else you’d like to add before I let you go?
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Elections Ontario does not provide a platform website for Walton and the Family Rights Party.
Again, these interviews will be released daily on a first come, first served basis ahead of election day on Thursday, May 2nd. If we do not publish an interview with a candidate ahead of that date, it’s because they chose not to accept our invitation. All interviewed candidates will be asked the same questions and provided with the same opportunity to share their opinions.
Everything you need to know about the Milton by-election ahead of voting day can be found here.
If you have a news tip or story idea, you can now send us a heads up via email at If you’d like to get ahold of me personally, shoot me a message at We’re in the business of content creation, so no idea is a bad idea.