Gift wrap, disposable dishes, plastic packaging, and lots of food can add up over the holidays.
It can be difficult to remember what goes where when it’s time to toss it.
Dufferin Waste says not all plastics are recyclable. Plastics numbered 1 to 5 and 7 can go into the blue box. Number 6 plastics are garbage.
As for wrapping paper, as long as it is paper, it can go in the blue bin. Foil wrapping is garbage.
When it doubt, the Dufferin Waste APP on iOS and Android can help you put your waste in the right bin.
How to reduce holiday waste
Dufferin Waste says you should consider giving wasteless gifts. Buying tickets to a concert or sporting event are an idea.
A tangible gift can be wrapped in fabric, newspaper or reusable bags.
Waste collection impacted by Christmas Day & New Year’s Day
There will be no waste collection service on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day. Therefore, collection on both days and the rest of the weeks will be shifted to one day later.
The week of December 30 will be ‘double up’ days.